Episode 20: You own a home, now what?


Episode 20!!!  Thank you to every listener who has been joining us weekly for the last 4 months....4 MONTHS!!!  Wow, that's crazy to say!  

Many weeks we cover parenting and our top tips for staying afloat.  This week, we cover a topic that we hope everyone gets to experience, not just parents.  Adulting at it's finest!   Do you own a home?  Ok but do you own a box fan?  Check out this episode of the Sister Tipsters to hear our top tips for homeowners and find out why owning a box fan is one of ours.

****Looking for a product mentioned on this, or any other, Sister Tipsters episode?  You can find it at Our Favorites


Episode 21: It’s time for a wellness check


Episode 19: Biking with a baby in tow