Episode 14: Meal time juggling act


Have you ever wished you could skip eating?  Somehow refuel without ever having to sit for a meal?  Let's be honest, meal time with kids is a juggling act.  It's high on the list of the least favorite daily activities once you become a parent (right up there with bath time...are we right?).  Have you tried engaging your kids?  Including them in the meal and meal conversation?  We polled some of our favorite parents, dug out all the mealtime memories we locked away and came up with our list of ways to enjoy mealtime.  Whether it's a holiday meal, restaurant meal or just everyday dinner at home, we have some tips to get you back to enjoying your meals!

****Looking for a product mentioned on this, or any other, Sister Tipsters episode?  You can find it at Our Favorites


Episode 15: Part of the team


Episode 13: Inside shoes, Outside feet